
​The new Sonatest range of handheld Thickness Gauges range from the low-cost and easy to use through to high end models, with A & B-Scan capability with various options for the end user including monochrome or colour displays, data xls interface programme and in the field upgradeable software.

​The new core range of tihckness gauges from Sonatest embodies the full range of capability and performance that you may require throughout a range of thickness measurement applications. All software options are field upgradeable and the gauges have vibration alarms and illuminated keypads for ease of use.



Skovdalsvej 7 B
8300 Odder 

Telefon nummer​

​Tlf.: +45 86 54 63 00

Email & CVR nummer​

Email: th@foxda​l.com​

CVR: 34802165​